Ok, I know I am a few days late posting this photo but it was taken on Sunday of last week so I am within the proper time frame for my goals. That little black blob is our new lab puppy, Cash, after Johnny Cash. We have had her for a week. As you can see she is way more interested in that little twig she is chewing than me balancing precariously near her precious little puppy body. Thankfully, I didn't come crashing down on her! She likes to chew things, like Gypsy's ear. Gypsy is our other lab. She likes to pee 100 times a day and has absolutley no preference for location, a rug or grass will do just fine! She likes to sleep on the floor and not in your arms and she has the cutest little face you have ever seen!
This week I hope to get a photo in the POURING RAIN! That's the biggest news here in MA after the signing of the Presidents Health Care Reform Act!
Photographer: Jack Donovan
Puppy Handler: Arley Donovan